Config reverse proxy for GoogleSSO

Hi Team,

I am now trying the GoogleSSO (GitHub - VirtoCommerce/vc-module-google-sso: Enables Google external login setup for Virto Commerce Platform and Frontend) on the recent Frontend App (GitHub - VirtoCommerce/vc-frontend: Virto Commerce Frontend - B2B SPA is a fresh look on the field of eCommerce solutions. This is a place where common B2B and B2C scenarios are combined with the most bleeding edge technologies to deliver blazing fast and fully functional solution. It implements common business use-cases needed for a vast majority of projects we build. version 2.6.0), but I am not able make it forward/rewrite the request successfully. This is what I have:

  • Use the IIS Url Rewrite module to make the IIS server as a reverse proxy
  • Apply an Inbound rule (rewrite to the platform site) on the /graphql segment so that the site work as normal (the frontend site shows commerce data)
  • Have an expected GoogleSSO configuration on the Platform’s appsettings.json
  • Apply an Inbound rule (rewrite to the platform site) on the /externalsignin and /signin-google segments

My issue is the platform does not redirect to the expected (as it is on the
instead the redirect becomes <my_frontend_site>/o/oauth2/v2/auth/oauthchooseaccount?..

I think the Inbound rule on the /externalsignin and /signin-google segments must be configured differently, but I don’t know what it should be.
Please help for this.

Thank you!

Googled, I fortunately found out the issue cause, the detail is at AddOpenIdConnect options.Authority overriden with current host behind proxy (UseForwardedHeaders) · Issue #31383 · dotnet/aspnetcore · GitHub.

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Thank you for the feedback

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