Create Virto Commerce Connector in Azure Logic Apps

Virto Commerce provides Open API schema for all installed modules and for a specific module. Open API schema describes the API’s operations and data structures.

On the other hand, Logic App can import Virto Commerce OpenAPI definition for Logic Apps, or for Power Automate and Power Apps.

The Virto Commerce Open API specification

Path Description Example
/docs Swagger UI https://{YOUR-ADMIN-HOST}/docs/index.html
/docs/PlatformUI/swagger.json Schema for all modules https://{YOUR-ADMIN-HOST}/docs/PlatformUI/swagger.json
/docs/{Module.Id}/swagger.json Schema for a module https://{YOUR-ADMIN-HOST}/docs/VirtoCommerce.Orders/swagger.json

Import the OpenAPI definition for Logic Apps

  1. Go to the Azure portal.
  2. In the Azure portal, on the Azure services menu, choose Create a resource .
  3. In New , enter logic apps custom connector in the search box as your filter. Select Logic Apps Custom Connector from the drop-down box.
  4. In Logic Apps Custom Connector , select Create .
  5. Provide details for registering your connector as described in the table. When you’re done, choose Review + create .
  6. Open the Logic Apps connector you created earlier in Create an Azure Logic Apps custom connector.
  7. In your connector’s menu, choose Logic Apps Connector , then choose Edit
  8. Open VirtoCommerce and Save Open API schema into the file.
  9. Under General , choose Upload an OpenAPI file, then navigate to the OpenAPI definition that you created
  10. Then you can choose the authentication type and fill in the required fields to set the security for your custom connector.

After these steps, you should be able to access to Virto Commerce API and for example load list of the products.