Deploy Virto Commerce Platform on-premises or local environment

Step by step instruction on how to deploy Virto Commerce Platform to on-premises IIS.

After setting up the Platform, you’ll be ready to deploy Storefront: to IIS or using .NET Core CLI.

Hello, I’m trying to deploy vc-platform from source (v3.0.0) to express IIS & SQLLocalDB (VS 2019). There is an issue in start platform:

**VirtoCommerce.Notifications** 3.0.0
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Scriban, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Не удается найти указанный файл. File name: 'Scriban, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' at VirtoCommerce.NotificationsModule.Web.Module.Initialize(IServiceCollection serviceCollection) at VirtoCommerce.Platform.Modules.ModuleInitializer.Initialize(ModuleInfo moduleInfo) in C:\Projects\...\vc-platform\src\VirtoCommerce.Platform.Modules\ModuleInitializer.cs:line 46

I deploy modules from source too. Tests of VirtoCommerce.Notifications fail. I tried to deploy VirtoCommerce.Notifications from binaries and had the same issue. Without VirtoCommerce.Notifications I enter the admin panel without error messages.
What could be wrong?

Yesterday we released the new RC3 platform version. Try to repeat deployment on this version and let us know if the error still exists.

I tried to deploy rc3 from source, but there were errors with GitVersion. As far as I understand, rc3 from zip has no git history and this creates a problem for compilation. I could not solve this problem.

Could you explain more details, what are you doing? What is the goal? Do you want to run platform in some specific case? Could you describe this?

I managed to deploy v3.0.0 from source. The problem was in wrong version Scriban.dll in …/App_Data/Modules. There aren’t this dll when deploy modules from source but it is installed when modules installed by admin panel. And I had there v2.0.0, which was caught while platform starting when v2.1.0 was needed.

OK! Thank you! We will check it carefully before next RC.