We get requests from partners that some of their clients use a lot of properties for products: 200 in one case and 400 in the other case. Having so many properties it becomes a challenge to navigate it since we don’t have any search or grouping there:
The filter is saved automatically for the user so that it is possible to brows the catalog with the same filter setting if requied. Filter based on properties names, not ids, so that it will work for both inhearited properties and independent product properties in case it has the same names.
“Reset filterr” option returns all properties back to the blade.
The modified unsaved fields are alway visible and marked with the tag (modified).
The prototype is available here (use our stabdard demo credentials to log in)
Now collecting feedback before moving a feature to the platform.
The purpose of a “(modified)” tag is to show that this field or its value will be lost in case the product is not saved. So if you add a new property, this property is marked as “modified” even if it is empty. I expect it is reasonable behavior. Does it make sense?
Agree, nice feature. Imho, it would also make sense to check if I change and set the value back to original value (and clear the flag).
But my previous comment was about the initial state. I didn’t add new property, just opened existing properties: one of them was marked “modified” already. Kind of misleading.