How to use Docker Virto Commerce Platform v3 container with HTTPS

Last week we released VirtoCommerce Platform v3 Linux Container.

Virto Commerce Platform v3 uses HTTPS by default. HTTPS relies on certificates for trust, identity, and encryption.

In this article, we describe how to use Docker Virto Commerce Platform with HTTPS self-signed development certificates.

  1. Create local folder {your_local_folder} for Docker files.

  2. Download and extract to crated folder.

  3. Generate certificate and configure local machine:

dotnet dev-certs https -ep {your_local_folder}\vc-docker\linux\platform\https\virto.pfx -p {your_password}

dotnet dev-certs https --trust

Replace {your_password} with a password.

  1. Navigate to {your_local_folder}\vc-docker\linux\platform end open .env file in text editor.

  2. In DOCKER_PLATFORM_CERT_PASS={your_password} replace {your_password} with a password and save changes.

  3. Execute docker-compose up -d to build and run containers.

  4. Verify in the browser, open** localhost address and configured port, https://localhost:8091.

You can change mapped addresses inside docker-compose.yml.


Assume I have an Ubuntu 22.04 vps with ip and a Godaddy domain name, can you explain how I can install the platform on this instance so that I can access the virtoplatform on

Also how do I deploy the storefront on the same Ubuntu 22.04 vps and access it on Can you guide me.

The solution is to use Portainer with Nginx Proxy Manager using the this vc-docker docker.compose.yml file.

However, you need to make the following change to the docker-compose file:

external: true
name: nat

NB: Create a new network in Portainer and name it “nat”

Comment below if you want instructions on how to do the above.

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The storefront doesn’t seem to connect to the platform after this is done. To solve that, you need to deploy storefront from Virtocommerce Storefront using the “latest tag”.