Howto integrate pages into the VC theme

In this artcile I’m going to create a landing page created in CMS.

  1. Clone the latest theme commit

  2. Add new component into the pages folder. Lets call it Landing.

    <div v-if="canShowContent">
      <RenderContent model="page" :content="content" :api-key="apiKey" />
    <NotFound v-if="pageNotFound" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { getContent, RenderContent, isPreviewing } from "";
import { onMounted, ref } from "vue";
import NotFound from "./404.vue";

const canShowContent = ref(true);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const content: any = ref(null);
const pageNotFound = ref(false);
const apiKey = "<public api key>";

onMounted(async () => {
  const result = await getContent({
    model: "page",
    apiKey: apiKey,
    userAttributes: {
      urlPath: window.location.pathname,
  content.value = result;
  canShowContent.value = content.value || isPreviewing();
  if (!content.value) {
    pageNotFound.value = true;

public api key is in account settings

More infomation is in the official documentation

  1. In order to add a custom component it’s neccessary to add the following code into landing.vue
<script setup lang="ts">
import Login from "@/shared/static-content/components/login.vue";
import ProductsBlock from "@/shared/static-content/components/products-block.vue";

function getRegisteredComponents() {
  return [
      component: Login,
      name: "VirtoCommerce Login",
      canHaveChildren: false,
      image: "",
      inputs: [],
      component: ProductsBlock,
      name: "VirtoCommerce Products",
      canHaveChildren: false,
      image: "",
      inputs: [
          name: "model",
          type: "object",
          defaultValue: {},
          subFields: [
              name: "title",
              type: "string",
              name: "subtitle",
              type: "string",
              name: "query",
              type: "string",
              name: "count",
              type: "number",

And add the custom-components property to the RenderContent component

<RenderContent model="page" :content="content" :api-key="apiKey" :custom-components="getRegisteredComponents()" />
  1. Add route rule in the router/routes/main.ts file.
// import component
const Landing = () => import("@/pages/landing.vue");
// add rule before the last one
{ path: "/landing/:pathMatch(.*)*", name: "Landing", component: Landing, props: true },

In some cases, import from throw a compile time error. To solve it, add a new file into project root. Lets name it vue-builder-io.d.ts and write in it

declare module "";
  1. Go to the app and add a new page

Then open an account settings and set the preview url

  1. Add blocks into page in the page designer

For the products block, fill the query property with HP value.

or the bolt balue

  1. Publish page

  1. Run local app with the yarn run dev command

  2. Open the About page

You can find this example on github.

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