If we create page from platform then how to open that page in localhost

I created the page from pages section and did not add any property in metadata but if i try to access in localhost it will redirecting me to homepage but i can see that page in dev environment


Could you describe step by step how did you create a page? So, our team can try to reproduce it

From content select the pages and then from option add new page and then in markdown side i add the html code i didn’t add anything in metadata side, and this page is using page.liquid from storefront

looks like a bug with localhost, I forwarded it to support team, will ping when I have result.

Any update on this ?

We could not reproduce the your problem on the our configuration (.

Did you try reset cache?
Did you configure shared content folder between storefront and backend?

Could you share more details about your platform configuration - version and module? Do you have custom modules.
Which storefront and theme do you use?

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When try to open the pages (ss) in our local, it redirects back to the homepage.

even though url is changed to “https://localhost:44332/contact-us”.

page is already created in the cms-content for local theme.

Platform version - 3.253.1

Do we have any update on this issue?

I could not find any clear guide document of how to use the pages/blogs. Through the Content module, I create pages/blogs and saw the pages, blogs are created in the configured cms-content folder with .md extension, but the front site always returns 404 error page when trying browse the pages/blogs.

I will check with Storefront Team and we will answer you in How to make Pages/Blogs work? - support - Virto Commerce

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Thank @OlegoO! I appreciate your help.

I have tried to debug the Storefront codebase (version 6.25.0) and guess that the issue can be lacking a controller handles the ContentPage objects, neither existing a registered Route for content pages compares to the old Storefront implementation e.g., version 5.8.1.

Making a themeless request to a content page e.g., [storefront_site]/pages/pagetest using Postman, the response is always the html produced from the _Layout.cshtml and the index.liquid template proves that no controller handles for the “pages/pagetest” slug.

Hi @OlegoO,
we have the same issue in the local storefront. When we have settings_data.json in the platform it still doesn’t take the variable’s value from the platform content. It takes the value from the locally linked theme settings_data.json file instead of platform settings_data.json.It happens with pages and other content

Hi @Koshalgarg155,

I do not know about the platform settings_data.json you mentioned. In the Storefront version 5.8.1 I can only see the implementation reads the theme settings_data.json file.
Could you please show me clearer about the platform settings_data.json and where is it placed?

Thank you,

To access to settings_data.json, The platform and storefront should use shared content folder. It can be Azure Blob storage, shared disk, etc.

Shared folder allows manage content by platform (content module) and access to them from storefront.

Like on schema below.

While Storefront team is preparing clean response in the separate thread.Let me update status.
At this moment, latest B2B theme doesn’t support blogs, but it is in the roadmap as well as headless CMS agnostic architecture and integration with different headless CMS: builder.io, ghost cms, contentfull, etc.

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Thank @OlegoO for the information!

I would like to include Orchard Core CMS as an addition candidate to integrate with, Orchard Core has module, headless architecture and also supports liquid template (through fluid package).
It will be very helpful and valuable if VirtoComerce team share a guidance of integrating with another CMS.

Best regards,


I agree. Orchard core is .NET application, so you don’t need to look for developers for other languages. And supports multilanguage content and qraphql unlike ghost and builder.io

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