MEDS demo manual: a supplier submits a proposal

Article proposal: this document is proposed to demonstrate the main scenarios for MEDS portal.


MEDS is a sample that is built on top of Virto Commerce to demonstrate how a simple marketplace can be built on top of Virto Commerce native platform within two sprints.

Marketplace for Emergency Distribution of Supplies (MEDS) by Virto Commerce for municipal, government and non-commercial organizations gives you a framework where your suppliers and recipients can register, submit requests working in a useable e-commerce-like interface and monitor requests statuses in real-time.

Government or non-profit employees get a system where all suppliers and recipients are registered with all related information like contact data, verification status, order history. All orders are created in a unified way. And finally, all this information can be managed both from the portal admin user interface or from Excel Online - the most well known and the simplest interface ever existed.

More about business context: here

Request a demo to know more

Full scenario of making a supply proposal

A supplier submits a proposal

The verified supplier can make post a proposal in MEDS.

You get to the supplier portal

Add a product by clicking the Plus icon:

The pop-up will be opened where the supplier registers:

  • unit price
  • quantity
  • initial ship date
  • comment

Click “Add to proposal” when done:

The product is added to the proposal.
Click the “Edit” icon if you would like to update the position:

Submit the proposal when finished:

Confirm the submission:

Now the order is available in the “Proposal” section with the status “New”:

Click the order ID to see order details.

Now the proposal is booked in the MEDS and available for marketplace managers in admin control panel or in the excel online.

Admin control panel

Login to the admin control panel.

When log in go to Orders section:

Find the order in the list and open its details.
It is possible to browse order details and change the order status:

When the status in admin panel is changed, the supplier will see it immediately in his cabinet:

Manage statuses from online excel

MEDS gives an opportunity to process supplier requests through Excel Online without logging to the admin panel and learning the interface. A special Excel online file should be connected to the installation.

Check the SupplierOrder tab. Find the order by Order Number and update the status to “Approved” (copy and paste).

In some time (less than 15 minutes) the status will be automatically updated in admin panel and become visible to the supplier in the cabinet:

(!) *According to current settings statuses are updated automatically every 15 minutes
(!) Remember that according to current settings Excel Online always overrule statuses made in admin panel

To make work with proposals and supplies more efficient it would be reasonable to open the Excel file in a desktop application. Here you can work normally with all records and changes will be transmitted to VC and to the supplier cabinets, therefore.

It is possible to use native Excel functions for data analysis and redistribution calculation.
Non-profit employees will work in a well-known interface with the highest comfort and performance.