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New Features
Dynamic properties added to X-Purchase-Cart
Added querying of Dynamic Property values to Cart, Line Item, Payment and Shipment types. Can fetch info about Dictionary items. Values returned only for the requested language.
Added mutations to update Dynamic Property values to Cart, Line Item, Payment and Shipment types. Implemented a clean model structure for a Frontend developer: name-value pair + “locale” for multilanguage props. Pass Id for dictionary properties. Updated Documentation.
Added new fields to Line Items for X-Purchase-Cart
Added 2 new fields FulfillmentCenterId and FulfillmentCenterName fields to LineItem types in Cart and Order.
Improved Design for Push Notifications
Improved Design for List Tables
Improved and Simplified Login on behalf.
We simplified and improved the Login on behalf. See the Gif session, below:
Fixed Swagger Validation errors
The team fixed all Swagger Validation errors. So, no more red screen, like this
Added Marketing Promotion Benchmarks
- Used Benchmark.NET.
- Conditions were covered.
- Promotion policies were covered.