SaveCartAsync not returning the full cart

Hey Virto Community !
Currently I was trying to create a custom graphql query that updates the dynamic properties of a line item as well as the price. I am returning this in the handler:

  await cartAggregate.ChangeItemPriceAsync(priceAdjustment);
  return await SaveCartAsync(cartAggregate);

The returned cart has missing fields like extendedPrice etc.
Here are some points related to the implementation:

  1. The endpoint is query and not mutation.
  2. We have already overriding InnerGetCartAggregateFromCartAsync in CartAggregateRepository.
  3. My code for handler for the query:
public async Task<CartAggregate> Handle(CartItemChangeQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   var dynamicPropertyHandlerRequest = new UpdateCartItemCommand
        UserId = request.UserId,
        StoreId = request.StoreId,
        LineItemId = request.LineItemId,
        DynamicProperties = request.DynamicProperties,
    var cartAggregate = await GetOrCreateCartFromCommandAsync(dynamicPropertyHandlerRequest);
    await cartAggregate.UpdateCartItemDynamicProperties(request.LineItemId, request.DynamicProperties);

    var lineItem = cartAggregate.Cart.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(request.LineItemId));
    var priceAdjustment = new PriceAdjustment
        LineItem = lineItem,
        LineItemId = request.LineItemId,
        NewPrice = request.Price

    await cartAggregate.ChangeItemPriceAsync(priceAdjustment);
    return await SaveCartAsync(cartAggregate);


Thanks in advance !