I have a Docker install running and I am finding my way around the Platform Admin site but I can’t get the Storefront to run.
I thought it may have been a Docker issue so I downloaded the Storefront code and ran it in Visual Studio 2019 with the same result. I am now thinking I have missed a step in the Admin install.
I am getting a missing ‘Source’ error, but not sure what is missing.
Error below.
ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')
System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
System.Linq.Enumerable.Select<TSource, TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector)
VirtoCommerce.Storefront.Domain.StoreService.<GetAllStoresAsync>b__7_0(MemoryCacheEntryOptions cacheEntry) in S:\Builds\VirtoCommerce\vc-storefront\master\workspace\VirtoCommerce.Storefront\Domain\Stores\StoreService.cs
VirtoCommerce.Storefront.Model.Common.Caching.MemoryCacheExtensions.GetOrCreateExclusiveAsync<TItem>(IMemoryCache cache, string key, Func<MemoryCacheEntryOptions, Task<TItem>> factory, bool cacheNullValue) in S:\Builds\VirtoCommerce\vc-storefront\master\workspace\VirtoCommerce.Storefront.Model\Common\Caching\MemoryCacheExtensions.cs
VirtoCommerce.Storefront.Domain.StoreService.GetAllStoresAsync() in S:\Builds\VirtoCommerce\vc-storefront\master\workspace\VirtoCommerce.Storefront\Domain\Stores\StoreService.cs
VirtoCommerce.Storefront.Domain.StoreWorkContextBuilderExtensions.WithStoresAsync(IWorkContextBuilder builder, string defaultStoreId) in S:\Builds\VirtoCommerce\vc-storefront\master\workspace\VirtoCommerce.Storefront\Domain\Stores\StoreWorkContextBuilderExtensions.cs
VirtoCommerce.Storefront.Middleware.WorkContextBuildMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context) in S:\Builds\VirtoCommerce\vc-storefront\master\workspace\VirtoCommerce.Storefront\Middleware\WorkContextBuildMiddleware.cs
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AuthenticationMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCompression.ResponseCompressionMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching.ResponseCachingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
The challenge I find with some of the answers from Oleg is that its not detailed. I think Virtocommerce needs to get very detailed documentation how to install their own software on virtually on Windows and especially Linux because its far easier on Linux.
The truth is that the storefront installation hasn’t worked for me at all. Any attempt to get the team to help has proven futile. They ask you to use Microsoft Azure deployment which cost like $200/month. That $200 can buy 3 years worth of VPS on layer7.net. It’s just not feasible on the Azure.
Indeed, Virto Commerce as well as .NET8 / ASP.NET Core application can be deployed and run on Windows, Linux, macOS and operating systems. But the devil in the details which version, which options, etc. By default, we focus on scenarios that use 80% of our partners and clients.
Could you explain your current situation and where you are stuck?
Will you be able to install and rub Virto Commerce?
Hello Olego. I finally got it deployed with the new deployment notes on Deployment - Frontend App Dev Docs by the Dev Team (p.virtocommerce.com). This is the ONLY ONE that actually works on Azure. Any other method will prove futile even with the Virto Docker where I had challenges with the storefront. I am planning on making a series of Youtube how-tos with your help of course on Virtocommerce especially about deployments. Also I will get a team to build A LOT of plugins Virtocommerce which we would share for review.