Supplier Integration

Feature name: Supplier Integration
Readiness: high
Development Effort: low


There may be some supplier integration (WMS, CMS, etc.) to facilitate process efficiencies.
Virto Commerce ready for integration with Supplier Software

  1. Virto Commerce provides Open REST API. If Supplier Software has any API, the dev team can easily create integration via Azure Logic Apps or other integration middleware.
  2. If Supplier Software doesn’t have any API, the integration can be implemented via Export / Import.

API integration
Logic Apps is the workflow engine for Power Automate. It enables pro-developers to visually create or programmatically configure workflows in Azure. A connector in Logic Apps enables users to automate EAI, Business to business (B2B), and Business to consumer (B2C) scenarios while reaping the benefits of source control, testing, support, and operations.

In Logic Apps, you can use enterprise connectors to create logic app workflows and automate processes between cloud apps and cloud services.

To implement the integration, you should:

  1. Describe asynchronous data flow for each process, triggers.
  2. Describe data models, mapping to identify the right API from E-Commerce and ERP sides.
  3. Test API methods, for example by using Postman.
  4. Implement and Test Logic Apps on Sandbox.
  5. Delivery to production.


Virto Commerce API
Enterprise Integration in Actions
Sample Microsoft Logic Apps application to show how to integrate VirtoCommerce platform with external services and how to handle Logic Apps exceptions
Microsoft Logic Apps application sample to show how to integrate VirtoCommerce platform with SAP