See product versions
Virto Commerce adaptability dimensions
- Omnichannel
- Multi-store
- Multi-theme
- Multi-language
- Multi-currency
- Multi-layer platform
- Integratable with everything
- Search engine agnostic
- CMS agnostic
- Database agnostic
Admin panel localization
- Deutsch
- English
- Español (Castellano)
- Français
- Italiano
- 日本語 (にほんご)
- Polski
- Português
- 中文
- Русский
- Custom languages
- Master & virtual catalogs
- Categories
- CSV catalog loader for 1M+ product files
- Multiple languages
- Multiple currencies
- Physical products
- Digital products
- Video management
- Subscription products
- Product properties bulk update
- Product & category attributes
- Virtual catalogs
- Zoomable product images
- Filter by price
- Flexible facet filters
- Flexible properties inheritance
- Product variations
- Robust content localization
- Categories taxonomy
- Sort and filter product listing based on any attribute
- Product reviews
- Product ratings
- Breadcrumbs
- Packages
- Filters inside product variations
- Sophisticated categories hierarchy
- Properties inheritance in categories up-to-down
- Properties inheritance in categories down-to-up
Catalog SEO
- Enable / disable SEO for catalog
- SEO for root cataog
- Support multiple languages for SEO
- Static pages
- Pages for Catagories
- Pages with different localizations using the same URL
- Layouts for product list
- Layouts for categories
- Publish / unpublish
- Search by SEO data
- Quick search for products by name
- Search by SKU
- Search by product code
- Search by serial number
- Sitemap manual export
- Sitemap automated export
- Visible search relevance
- Semantic search
- Keyword search
Order management
- Customer order history
- Search orders
- Define & associate documents
- Purchase orders
- Punchout
- Localizable statuses
- Subscriptions
- Status update for each document type
- Flexible document-based order structure
- Manage fulfillment, packages, pick-up documents
- Manage additional invoices
- Product recommendations
- Save order drafts (postponed confirmation of order changes)
- Changing order products, prices, discounts on admin side
- Payment history tracking
- Refunds
- Printing orders
- Order details change history (logs)
- Keep payment details (cards, links, phone numbers - optional)
- Show orders status from ERP
- Anonymous authentication
Tasks management
- Task assignment
- Task notification
- Inventory tracking
- Inventory tracking by fulfilment center
- Real-time inventory
- Warehouse dynamic properties (no-code)
- Warehouse addresses
- Warehouse descriptions
- Pre-order
- Inventory reservation
- Manage split shipments
- Single shipment delivery of more than one order
- Split order shipments
- Manage shipments documents
- Split shipments during checkout by locations
- Split shipments by vendor
- Favorite addresses
- Default addresses
- Contracts with organizations
- Unique price lists for companies
- Personal prices for physical bodies
- Assigning price lists to multiple selected companies
- Configurable dynamic properties for contracts
- Prices inheritance from the parent price list
- Attachments (documents) for contract
- Contract statuses
- Contract timeframe
- Integrate pricing with ERP and price engines
- Multiple price-lists
- Price lists for each catalog
- B2B account-based pricing
- Tiered pricing
- Sale pricing
- Recommended pricing
- Personalized pricing
- Import/Export price list from ERP
- Points
- Bitcoin & custom currencies
- Cross-sell products
- Up-sell products
- Replacement products
- Product associations
- Rule-based products associations
- Accessories
- Featured products
- Recently viewed products
- Product comparison
- Integratable with AI recommendation engines
- Product promotions
- Customer group promotions
- Shopping cart promotions
- Shipping promotions
- Public-use coupons
- Limited-use coupons
- Private-use coupons
- Build custom promotions engine
- Personalized banners
- Manage promo content
- Manage promo placeholders
- Flexible publishing conditions
- Dynamic customer segments
Cart & Checkout
- Single step checkout
- Multi-step flexible checkout
- Anonymous persistent cart
- Registered persistent cart
- Soft Deleted Carts
- Guest user checkout
- Checkout selected products in the cart only
- Subscription products
- Request for quote
- Punchout
- Wishlists
- Shared wishlists
- Gift registry
- Tax calculations
- Shipping methods
- Order confirmation
- Multiple carts
- Grouping multiple carts to one order
- Stock reservation
- Pre-order
- Clone order
- Split cart lines by delivery addresses
- Multiple payment methods
- Credit card payment
- Postpaid orders
- Tokenized billing
- Saved credit card
- Bitcoin & custom currencies
- Partial payments
- Split payments on the fly
Customer Profile
- Account registration
- Multi-step flexible registration
- Multi-level company account structure
- Profile attributes
- Opportunity to log in under the same user to different companies
- One customer in multiple companies
- Company info section
- Manage users inside organization
- Customer switch between organizations
- Multiple users for one customer
- Default company for a customer
- Address book
- Different Payment methods
- Saved credit card
- Passwords
- Login on behalf
- Customer self-management
- Social login
- Active Directory integration
- Login by token
- Multiple addresses for one customer
- Push notifications
- Firebase Cloud Messaging for notifications
- Abandoned cart email notification
- Default layouts
Vendor portal (marketplace)
- Products import
- Communication between vendor and operator
- Publish products by Operator
- Unpublish products by Operator
- Re-publish products by Operator
- Configurable password expiration functionality
- Vendor logo management
- Vendor ratings
- Vendor reviews
- Vendor prices
- Assigning prices to segments
- Checking SKU uniqueness
- Upload products via file
- Offers management
- Split cart lines by vendors
- Video management
- Elastic Search 7.x
- Elastic Search 8.x
- Azure Search
- Elastic App Search
- Google Analytics 4
- Open ID Connect
- Power BI
- PayPal
- Skyflow
- Avalara Tax automation
- CyberSource
- Authorize.Net
- Datatrans
- Firebase Cloud Messaging
- successful integrations with SAP
- simple integration with Logic Apps
- Can be integrated with everything
OOTB databases
- PostgeSQL
Image format support
- WebP
Admin tools
- Cache reset
- Display modules in bundles
- Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Use Microsoft login
- Use Google login
- Manageable login backgrounds
- Modules sorting
- Webhooks