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New Releases
- Dependency minor versions updated. (#355)
- Fixed bug when a store-related user can log in to another store. (#353)
- Fixed coupon appliance by category condition for nested category. (#310)
- Fixed list name appearance. (VirtoCommerce/vc-theme-default#114)
Fixed possible generated sequence key duplication on multiple platform instances by optimistic concurrency algorithm. (#970)
- Updated Microsoft.Azure.Search library from 3.0.4 to 10.0.1. (#7)
- Updated some VirtoCommerce dependencies. (#7)
- Fixed order prices visibility for an administrator with order permissions. (VirtoCommerce/vc-platform#1616)
- CalculateTotals now properly resets all totals in an order. (#115)
- Ability to use external images in a product without uploading it to the storage. (#279)
- Bug fixes. (#296)